Saturday, July 28, 2012


(Heeeeelloooo my sexy readers! Apologies on my part for not making any interesting posts.EHEHEHE. Life is a bit emotional for me, so again I apologize. This is just for fun, so please do smile. Haha. )
Okay, who is not an arachnid type of person? By that I mean, who doesn't like spiders?
Especially venomous ones!
Alright, since its summer vacation I stay up until 7AM. I know, bad, bad bad. Haha. What can you do? xD 
Anyway, when I saw this eight-legged creature it was around 4AM. No one was awake to kill it for me!
So I walked out of the bathroom casually after taking my usual pee break, deep inside I was dreading for a god damn roach to wheeze past me but NOPE.
Then I squinted, and I saw THAT. ^^^^^^^ YES. On the floor, humping my floor. (No.. not..really.. just wanted to throw it in there.)

Weeeell I'm kind of over exaggerating this because the little spider was actually kind of tiny, I just zoomed in with my camera. Yes, why the hell did I take a picture instead of using my time wisely by just killing the freaking creature?

I thought that if I took a picture I can post it on Yahoo! Answers and know what this spider is called, but I've seen this type of spider in my house before and it was exactly the same thing. If you look closely, the eyes are the bright dot. When I saw that I freaked out, still while I was panicking the freaking spider was just relaxing and staying completely still. Yeh it did not move at all! Oh my god, I was just thinking "How.. why aren't you moving!?"  so when I finally finished typing up the question quickly, I turned back to make sure it was there still.. *****, PLEASE. IT WAS NOT. THERE! OHMYGOSH.
Finding a spider isn't as scary as it is losing sight of the freaking thing!!
People answered the question quickly, so let me share with you the question. You can obviously tell the panic in my words, eheehe.

Okay, first answer is from Harold. His answer wasn't bad, just not as informative. Second spider.. spider.. Second answer is from Eric B. She said it looks like a brown recluse and that if they bite you the venom will spread and decay my skin.

 Bitch, please. I'm about to crap in my pants seeing this FREAKING SPIDER, GOD KNOWS WHAT THE HELL IT IS. And you're telling me that this is a freaking brown recluse. DO YOU REALLY. REALLLY WANT TO SEE ME HAVE A BITE LIKE THIS.::

.... No i can't show you a picture. Its too horrible.. oh my god, petrifying. Whew. 
Anyway, if you aren't sure why the **** would you even say that? Stop scaring a woman who is nearly shizzing in her pants! When I saw these answers I was literally about to throw this laptop out of the window, because then I saw RichHero's answer. "I'm not sure but I care to observe your question and I see you as a friend."
..... Are you fucking me. NO, I DON'T WANT A FRIEND RIGHT NOW. I want SOMEONE to KILL the freaking SPIDER, not a dear friend. Golly people can be brainless. 
Then I saw R0$h@n's post. No, you dip****. I'm not going to be scared at all, I'm going to be so happy that there's a spider that would be next to me while I'm sleeping.. I'll have something to cuddle, then. 

I know some are just trying to help, But there's things you can say and don't say. First of all, don't state the freaking obvious when someone is panicking! 
Before I saw the best answer, I was too busy getting the roach spray and a shoe in handy if I saw it. Thankfully it just moved a few inches to the side.
Just a few inches.
To the side.
Where it was noticeable. Yup.

..... A FEW. AND I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE. I literally drowned the freaking spider in roach spray. 
"SHhhxzzfsxxzzzz~ *me spraying.*"
"Nuuu.. don't kill mee..!~ agghhhh.. *tries to run away with two legs.*" 
";~; I'm sorry little guy. Shhhhzffszzzxxxxx~ Is it dead.. no.Shhhhxxxzzsss.. is it dead now.. yes. yes its dead. *Sprays it again. and again.* DIEDIEDIE...... *Drags the spider back with the shoe and throws it away*"
In the end all I needed to do was drown the little f****er, but I thought it was cute now that I think about it.. >_< Poor guy. I'M SORRY SPIDER. I just didn't love you. T__T 
Sorry for the long post! .. no, I'm not sorry. My arm is aching because I was so into the story. You should be thankful I wanted you guys to laugh! D:

1 comment:

  1. that poor spider.... why did you do it..... it was harmless anyways T.T
