Inside the darkened cave, several men sought for a gem. Was I gem, I wouldn't know. They flashed their lights, aiming at anything so shiny. Then suddenly, as I was glancing away, my eyes as specs of minerals, a flash comes before me. And I am picked up. The man detects the rock I am, I wouldn't know how I looked like. His eyes, a darkened color completely filled with joyous curiosity. They stared down at me, and I was taken away into his pocket. I felt the pocket vibrate gently as each step he took for hours it could be. He raised his weapon, suddenly hammering into the cave walls as if he had not found his gem. He gasped silently, smiled to himself, and stared down at the shiniest gem he had ever seen. A golden nugget, oh how wonderful and beautiful it is. He held it above his eyes, his eyebrows raising; awed at the shining and glistening of this beautiful gem. He held it close, but wait. He shifted into the pocket he had put me in, grabbed me by two fingers and gently placed me where I was, which was in the darkest part of the cave. I see him shuffle around in his pockets, and suddenly he brought out a black velvet box. He opened it gently, placing the golden nugget neatly into the box and closed it softly. He grinned to himself, that prideful and confident grin. He placed that beautiful velvet box in a special pocket for him to hide from anyone else, and admire it later.
And I was suddenly back where I was, to not be noticed yet I tried. My eyes sparkled as hard as they could, attempting to ignite a beautiful glow to them. Yet no one shone their light upon me.
I was no gem, but simply a rock.
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