Aloha! It's been a long time, hasn't it? About 4 months. No biggie, pft. I apologize, really. haha, I had school to be concerned about during those months and now since my summer is almost over, I decided that I might as well make a topic about insecurities. You know, because most kids are always feeling insecure and unsexy before they enter in a new grade. Hey, there's nothing to be concerned about!
You've sought for your answer and here it is!
I know that I wanted to make a youtube channel successfully and happily; I honestly couldn't do it because I saw so many flaws on my face. My smile was the most embarrassing flaw in me, but despite still not making the youtube channel (people like quality, well I dun got the money!) I decided that I'd just be happy making my peers laugh instead, as much as I have the desire to make a youtube I'll have to postpone it until I have the money/time... even if that sounds like an excuse.
Well, crap that sounds like an excuse. I guess it kinda is, ah well.
I don't mean to sound hypocritical during this post.
I guess when I say all this, it's when you see a person to face to face. Especially someone you find incredibly attractive, you think about how you look. Your weight, your acne, your facial hair, your height even. It's absolutely ridiculous that humans, us homo sapiens, have to think of all these things when all these flaws ARE NORMAL!
I mean, everyone has them. Insecurities. It's absolutely inevitable, and it disgusts me that .. okay, for example I am Indian. I have hair, and it's clearly noticeable on my face. I despise it, but guess what? I'm not going to shave every bit of my hair all over my body, or get laser hair removal in order to meet society's expectations. I WILL NOT do that. If someone doesn't like me for me, then .. well I hate them too. And I am so certain I can point out flaws about their appearance too, so if they do it.. don't be afraid to do it back, in my opinion.
Do you know what the best remedy is for ANY insecurity? To accept them. Some things you can't change. My smile for example? I don't have the money to get braces! The hair all over my body? Humans have evolved from apes, so humans have hair! My weight? I like to eat! There are flaws in which you're able to flaunt. Again, taking me for an example, I am PROUD to be Indian. If you're short, be PROUD to be fun size. If you're a little on the chubby side, BE PROUD to have curves. (In my opinion, the really skinny/pretty girls aren't cute. They scare me.)
We cannot change who we are sometimes. I can't change that I'm Indian. If there's things you wanna change about yourself, like losing weight (HEALTHILY!) then you should do it. I'm doing it and I can do a push up. c: Just one. yeah. One. heh.
If you have acne, then try to find things that will help things reduce. Just don't expect to have everything cleared up in a day or two. Acne.. well, it's just one of those things that requires time.
I like to say that if I can't change something of myself, like my teeth, I can change it within time. I shouldn't have to rush things in order to feel better about it. I don't expect myself to get braces overnight; life just doesn't work that way and unfortunately, flaws like these require time if you really want to fix them. I'm tempted to not get them at all and accept my smile, see who will love it and love me for me. Acceptance is such a small thing you THINK you don't see.. but in reality, nobody gives a shit. Honestly, nobody is going up to you and point out that you aren't skinny or "fat."
Btw, fat isn't what you are, just what you have. >_> People don't know how to use English. Haaaa. Whoever does go up to you and says that, you have the right to flick em' off.
Have you ever watched a youtube video, or when someone says "apologies for the little smear of makeup".. and when you look at them, you have no idea what they're talking about? That's only because THEY pointed it out themselves, It's like ,"LOOK AT ME BUT DON'T JUDGE ME." Yeah, pretty much.
Just be confident in who you are and no one will notice a thing.
Hope my viewers found this helpful. ~
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