Thursday, April 5, 2012

What's important to know about friendship?

I promise to be your best friend for life. I pinky swear.
 This is what was common when I was younger.
A promise to keep a friendship for eternity. A promise that will show strength in a friendship.
At that time I didn't know the importance of friendship. I was just happy to have a conversation with someone. Except now that I got older I acknowledged the fact that.. friendship is important. Every spec of it. The strength it gives you, the lessons they teach,  the lectures and comparisons of what's wrong and right, the constant jokes and smiles it brings to our faces. Behind all of this, what exactly is a true friend? Is it all just backstabbing lies or is it actually pure love behind everything? In all honesty, looks can be deceiving. And I'm not sure if I want to know if a 'friend' is lying to me or not. True friends wouldn't leave you for a trait or a habit you have. True friends would try their best to stay by your side as long as they can, holding onto the role of friendship until their hands get bloody red.. sacrificing almost anything to save your life while you're on the end of the rope. True friends.. they are honest with you, but.. why isn't every friendship like this? Why are there two-faced friendships in today's society? Well let me tell you this. Some people manipulate others, they don't know the feeling of caring for someone they love deeply. Whenever I hear stories about backstabbing friends.. I just don't understand why people make it so difficult to make peace in friendship, and make friends important to your life. 

I think that.. the quote, "expect the unexpected." is entirely possible. Friends can change, that's expected-- but a big lie in the face..was not expected.  Gossiping about your friends is not being a true friend. "She's actually really fat.. she has a eating disorder, did you know that?" No honey I don't need to know. People aren't aware of what they say, or the words that come out of their mouth. "Think before you speak." was a common saying. Maybe the reason why people back stab their friends is because they're jealous, or they have that type of personality where they go around and put down others. 

You say your best friend would protect you, but I have seen friends walk away from their other friend who is getting bullied. How do we know if someone is a true friend or not?
You just learn it the hard way, whether it hurts or destroys you deep inside..
There are always going to be that other half of the earth's population, who is going to hurt you.
They may not show you who you are at first, but right when you get close them..bam. They reveal a whole new self that you have not seen before-- this is the real them. This is how you would know if a person is two-faced, or not an actual friend.
You don't need a promise to keep being friends with someone. You don't know what's going to happen in the future.. you can break that promise so easily..
All you need is time. Time is what determines everything. Time will let you know if your friend is true to you or not, time is what brings friends back together.
You don't need to talk to your friends everyday in order for them to be your best friend. You can have someone close to you, and not have talked for a year. Then communicate and talk again afterwards. 
Sometimes friendships need breaks. Friendships.. they come and go, but like I said.. time is what determines who will stay in your life and not go..

There were some people I was afraid to know personally. Did I really want to know this person? Will they be next to me when I'm going through rough times?

Although some people aren't good when it comes to comforting, all you need is a pair of ears and a few comments here and there. 
True friends listen with intensity, focusing their attention on you. Even if they can't exactly give you advice or word of wisdom, they let you know you care for them. And by listening, they're spending their time to hear what is bothering you..

That is what a true friend is.

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