Friday, May 18, 2012

Mini story: Come back.. Or not.

Scarlett laid down on her opaque colored bed, gazing up at the white ceiling. She jumped as she heard a small pebble hit against her window. thud. Another one. Thud. She thought, Is Jonathan really wanting to talk to me at 12 in the morning.. 
She slowly stood up from her bed and gracefully walked to her window with small rain drops being illuminated by the street lights, her silky ginger hair flowing behind her shoulders and sat against the window, unlocking it from the top and pulling it up. She saw Jonathan standing outside, as quiet rain drops hit against the pavement and it began to drizzle. "Scarlett, can we talk?" Jonathan stared up from the window as Scarlett opened the window. "What? It's freaking 12 in the morning, what could you possibly want to talk about at this time?" Scarlett asked, surprised at his appearance. "Just come down, its important. It's about us." Scarlett squinted down at him, nodding slowly and tugged the window down roughly yet quietly. She tiptoed downstairs in her black nightgown, opening the door from outside and stepped towards him. The minuscule raindrops gently hit her scalp. "What happened?" She crossed her arms around her chest, feeling the slight breeze slithering against her skin.
"I think I may have.." He paused, his eyes showing sorrow. "I think I may have found.. someone else.. "
Scarlett blinked quickly, squinting at him and cocked her head to the side.. "What? What do you mean? What is this?" Don't panic, Scarlet. Don't panic. Breathe.
"Jennifer.. Jennifer stole my heart.. Even before I met her, my feelings for you slowly began to fade.." He trailed off, staring down at his feet and the semi-wet driveway. "I'm sorry, Scarlett. You will find someone." Jonathan nodded his head at Scarlett, digging his hands in his pockets and walking off as the drizzles looked like mist, she felt the ground rumble when she heard the thunder. Scarlett simply stood there, watching him disappear from view. Three years of bullshit. No.. The raindrops had started to get heavy, one by one landing on Scarlett's hand and feet. She walked towards the direction Jonathan had gone to. The rain got heavier and heavier. BOOM. The thunder roaring up high, and Scarlett began to run in the same direction Jonathan went to. Her porcelain skin illuminated from the bright moon that's being quickly covered from the clouds, her bare feet hitting against the road, the silky hair getting damp and jumped up and down. Her tears blended with the rain, only she could taste the saltiness of it. She stopped at an intersecting road, as some cars quickly drove past, she glanced everywhere from side to side to across. She kept sprinting, her night gown began to wrinkle from the water. Running, running and running..
But she did not find him that night.. alone. She found him leaning against a fence on a bridge, with relief and Jennifer kissing him.

After two heartbroken months of depression and loneliness, Scarlett began to pace up on the sidewalk connecting to her first class in college. Scarlett had been starting to move on with her life, breathing easier and relieved she's single now.
A voice so familiar.  
Scarlett paused, and turned around as a small breeze flew past her quietly. Her neutral face began to turn into a slight frown. "Jonathan. You don't even go to this colle--"
"I know, I know. I just wanted to talk to you. I have something to say." Jonathan walked up closer to Scarlett, who felt anxious staring at the heart breaker.  "About what?" She said, staring at her watch around her wrist. Class is starting soon..
"I.. I made a mistake. I got Jennifer pregnant and before I did I started to doubt my decisions.. She's not as beautiful as I thought. She's psycho. "
Jonathan glanced up at Scarlett, his face remaining serious.
Scarlett laughed lightly under her breath, shaking her head and walked closer to him, breathing on him. "You actually had the guts to tell me that? It's been two months, we're done. You're my past, you have no right to interfere in my future and present. You've lost that right." 
She tilted her chin up, squinting at him with disbelief. 
"When you make impulsive decisions, that's your outcome. A mistake. Think before you act, you should have learned that in kindergarten.." Scarlett whispered at him fiercely and angrily. Her eyes began to get watery and she pushed him away from her. She turned around without even waiting for a respond and continued her path to class. 
"Scarlett! I'm sorry!" Jonathan shouted out at her.
That's what you get when you make impulsive moves, a mistake. 

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