Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Money, Money, Money..

It sucks, you know? 
To get the cheapest of everything.
To visit and depend on the dollar store.
For makeup or snacks.
And to go to the cheapest clothing stores that don't have the best clothing.
To in order to get a pair of shoes you've wanted for a long time, you need to return your favorite pumps.
 To live in a house where it's not in the best condition, or even a health hazard. 
To be considered in a class.
While the rich can drive the fanciest cars, to wear brand name clothing,  to have the hottest haircut and makeup,
not return a dime and eat luxury meals.
While I sit at home and eat what I have.

It's just.. okay well let me start at the beginning.

Today I had to go to the dentist, I've been to the dentist three or four times this month to get fillings.
(How is that relevant to anything.. I have no idea either.)
Okay, so I told myself I'd go to the dollar tree here nearby a grocery store after getting my fillings finished, I needed some eyeliner and some lipstick. As I was looking around, I grabbed an NYC extreme lip glider, I looked at the L.A Colors lipstick. Reaching out and grabbing this small packaged lipstick, I stared at the bright red color, packaged in cardboard with plastic and sighed deeply, wishing to get a more sufficient way to purchase high quality makeup. Which would never come true, because everything is expensive.. Why is America's logic this way?:: 

We're having difficulties with money so we're going to raise the prices up. 

How is it going to solve anything? Hasn't the government noticed that more people would rather get chips at a Dollar Store than going to Publix for a bag of chips priced at 4 dollars?
Sorry.. it's just frustrating. Money is dangerous these days, its difficult to handle. Money, money, money.
One day I'll become a famous photographer with a income of a least 50k a year, buy what I want, eat what I want, do what I want freely without limitations.
With the technology these days, everyone wants the newest thing. Whether it be the new iPhone or the upcoming Mini iPad.
Everyone in my family is trying to survive, even my dog. I don't even know the last time we checked him out at the Vet. Everything in America is so frustrating and complicated, so complex. ..Why can't I go to the movies or go out with my friends without the word money bringing up? Or . "I don't have any money" at all? 

Money flies up in the air and ends up on the ground. its wasted, its needed. Its so dangerous. All I want to do is not have to worry about the economy and live freely. The Country of Freedom they say? Bullshit, I can't live freely at all. I may have a roof over my head, I may have had a silver spoon in my mouth but I'm not the luckiest yet nor am I the unluckiest. 
The luckiest people have a gold spoon in their mouths. How lovely is that? 
I'm still considered as middle class, and sadly money is an issue around the world. 
Why? Screw money. 

I hope we'll  all get back on our feet and not worry a thing, and help everyone out globally. Maybe that day will come in America, or everywhere. I have very little hope but I still have some.

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