Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Shout Out and an Upcoming Series!!

Alright, I would give you an update about my life but. who cares right? Nonono, I would but I have no time. 

Anway, I'm considering to create a story or some kind of realistic fiction plot so I have content that my viewers may/may not enjoy or even relate to if I'm lucky.  I'm also going to consider talking about the news and making fun of it, and I rarely watch the news so this will be interesting. (THE U.S AMBASSADOR GOT KILLED! D;< THE HELL.)

Its most likely going to be about a young female or maybe male adult, since I  know there aren't a lot of male perspectives.. well from my experiences.  So just an adult in their college life, how they go through life, blah blah blah, average and typical things..friends, family problems things like an adult would face.  Parties, older adults teasing and flaunting that they're married, almost like a Bridget Jones' Diary.  (LOVE this movie and book, it got kinda cheesy in the end though.)

The series is going to be uploaded here on my blog for sure, same blog as usual. I'm probably gonna start it out on Friday or Saturday, depending on my mood as school work gets in the way of things and I am just completely exhausted. Although writing should work.

I felt like making a pointless post because tonight my mood kind of got destroyed very slowly, but I'll put these thoughts and feelings in the series.

Shout out to Russia! I apparently seem to have a viewer from Russia! Ahhh, I'm so happy! Thank you for visiting, because I'm relieved to know that my content is enjoyable and yet its known in some places in other continents/countries. I've noticed that you've been reading my blog for  a bit of time, so I'm going to admit that I always look forward to reading my stats and finding that I have received 2 more views from Russia!! Woo!~

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