Saturday, September 1, 2012

I Told You I Would Write About Crushes!!

I think I'm just an awesome person in general.
I keep my promises yeah!!
 Its nearly 5am, I have no idea why I'm up because I have to go running in the afternoon and EXHAUSTION.... is not a good start for running. Believe dat.

Anyway so this post will be about crushes, aaannnd... I will say.. that .. yes.. yes I have a school girl crush on a very awesome person. We will call this person Mystery Person. Hahaha!

This Mystery Person is hilarious, he/she (not that i don't know his gender.) agrees along with my couple of other friends that I get excitable too easily.

Its funny because a day ago while my friends and I were all talking, he/she teased me when I suddenly said "OH. GOD. THAT'S RIGHT!!" and I stared at him/her, crossed my arms and huffed. "Fine. You know what?! I'm gonna pinch myself everytime I get excited, okay? Okay." Five minutes later.. "OH MY GOD DO YOU KNOW..-- .... v.v . .. -pinch-" and she/he chuckled. Ahhhh.. that's funny. I imagine this in a anime. funny funny funny.  What sucks is that.. I don't fall hard for someone like that, you know? I don't just go .. ".. he's fine... he is so fine.." ... maybe I do but you know what!? Its different in my perspective. Anyway, bottom line is.. the point I'm trying to make is that.. when you love, like or have a strong attraction towards someone and its ruined-- doesn't it suck!? It sucks HARD. (If you replaced It with a she.. that's what she said. get it? get it?) Its just.. you think they're humorous, you think they're friendly, you also think..

"They so like me." 
No. Thaat's the thing with attraction or romantic interests, they kill you instantly because you already start to have illusions! Seriously, it happens to me. I glanced at Mystery Person to see if he/she was looking at me as well, and in my eyes she/he did. Either that or he/she was staring at the floor or another person. -_ -

Positive feelings always turn into negative feelings doesn't it? Its just so annoying, not only that but 70%(according to the survey which is completely false and i have no idea what survey it is..) relationships go into failure due to whatever. 

(Woah I'm gettin' tired.) 

Crushes never really go anywhere with me, and if anything even happened with Mystery Person it won't last. I know this because relationships in general don't always last right? Anyway, now onto how to dealing with's some do's and don'ts. 

1. Its okay to be a little cutesy or friendly. Its okay sometimes act a bit different from your usual self. When you're in your casual mode, you're most likely around friends or co workers... but when you're around someone you like? Total new atmosphere, vibe and personality. So when you hear, "Be yourself." its not exactly true. Your personality shows but obviously actions and words are differently stated than when you're around your mates.

2,  DO invite them to a movie night with your mates! If you're like me who just doesn't do dates right away, then I suggest that you let your friends know your crush, I guess you could say crush. Its an awesome advantage. Dinner with your friends and a guy you adore? Its a plus for everything! Not only that but your mates also have the chance to see if this boy is real or not. 

3. I don't know about you but I LOVE impressing people, so I think you should try impressing and flaunting some of your skills to your man or woman. ;) ... not sexually, no don't do that.

4. DO get to know them.. GOD its so .. so agitating when you want to talk to them yet you just become a coward and walk away. No, try not to do that.. they won't notice or know you as a person personally if you don't walk up to them..Even if you're a quiet type.. be a dare devil! The adrenaline rush is amazing!!

1, Don't change everything about yourself (looks, personality etc.) for this person. If they're a true keeper they would look at your flaws and go, " I don't care." <- that's what they should say, and if they don't .. well they were never meant to be for you. I'm a guilty one for this because I'm so self-conscious about my acne and inherited curly/frizzy hair. When its humid or too hot, my hair frizzes up at the top.. drives me insane. And especially when I'm checking my self out attempting to gussy myself, I fail epicly because my acne scars and my shiny nose.. and the scars.. oi vaye, I just simply feel like a mess..

But let me ask you something. Why do you care so much, if its only one person?

2. Don't.. deny your feelings for them. -- I'm guilty of this one as well.. haha. I kept saying, "No! I don't like him.. he's not my type, PLUS Mystery Person is most likely in a relationship!!" just accept it.. I caught myself when I keep thinking about him. One day I just went, "**** it. I like him. A lot."  The way I deal with it is just admiring from afar(not recommended. =.= ) yeah.. pretty much. We're human though, we love someone, we like someone, and we hate someone. We have feelings so we're obviously bound to feel these. 

3. Don't take things too fast.. like I said with dates, I've known this person for about two weeks now but I've fell head over heels for Mystery Person. It'll be an amazing journey when you don't take things fast, believe me.. you'll have more memories and he/she just might have enough time to realize how much of an amazing person you are.

That's all I have so far, I'm exhausted so I'm heading off!~~ Good night!

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