Sunday, August 26, 2012

Busy Bee But Also a Lazy Bee? {Long Post}

Ahhh, the weekend. Finally I can relax and type away on my cruddy laptop. 

Lately I have been way too busy and under way too much stress. Homework here, homework there.. If you saw me, you can probably tell that my mind is full of .... papers. Not just papers, stacked papers. Yes, there is a MAJOR difference... kind of.

School started for me on last Monday, and let me tell you that it was the worst day of my whole entire school career life. I have never been so overwhelmed by classes, people and forms. There were tons of forms, most of these forms didn't even matter to me. Buuut I guess that's just me.  The day before I had a picnic, with my two best friends. We both realized that we would not have the same classes together anymore, majors changed and interests changed as well. Either way I made a pact that I wouldn't let myself or even dare to let a friendship distance itself due to all of our disappearances in classes--, Its just happened way too much throughout my school life. We're talking about friends that actually is worthy in my life, they're people I can open up to. Most of my friends from years ago didn't matter to me as much, not that I wouldn't be saddened by bad news or anything like that-- they just weren't the top. And these friends.. I'm holding onto them. They're my friends. 

Anyway, back onto Monday! I've just gotten the news that my favorite teacher will be moved to History from Counseling. (Kind of like psychology/therapy.) My expression was absolutely priceless, " >_< Noo.." and it wasn't as detailed. He was so open, very carefree yet he had the biggest heart and truly was one of the best teachers I've ever had that influenced me so much. The administrators did not understaid his pain and frustration, because they obviously didn't have as much empathy as he did. He is an amazing person in general, and he truly deserves to be our psychology teacher. He is perfect for it, and he even said to me and a couple of my other friends that 'they made a huge mistake.'. .... I agree completely. That's why I'm going to write a letter, but before I do I'm going to give the new teacher a chance first. Although, she is going through pregnancy so I have to wait.. let's see, a month I believe. If I think she's a teacher that simply doesn't know anything about counseling or psychology or therapy, I'm letting the administrators know. And I won't be afraid to. Do I sound over dramatic? Yes? Too bad, haha. I've never felt this passionate about something, specifically this teacher. He was like a best friend, and it felt like he was stolen from everyone. That's how it should be in life, to fight for what you believe in, to fight for who or what you love. Cliche', but it really is true and that's the way my mind works. Most of my classmates/friends agree. He went a step back in life, that's not the way it should be. I wouldn't be afraid to step up to the administrators, I've even stepped up to a teacher when everyone else thought it was forbidden to.

So~! Haha. :D Let's see..what else is there to talk about..
 Oh right. Does anybody, any of my viewers out there have any idea why one of my traffic sources comes from a pornography site? -__-  I mean seriously. I check my traffic sources, and see 'filmhill.' I click it and OH. MY. GOD. WHAT THE F****. IS. THIS. I am sure as hell that I did NOT put my blog on some pornography site. This is madness!!

If you have any idea, please comment below and help me prevent it. :) Thank you. 

Last but not least, I will be making a post about 'crushes' soon. So stay tuned, and I apologize for not writing too much. Comment and subscribe, I'll be so happy and will write ten times more!


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