Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Venom, poisonous. Seeping through our minds and flesh, destructing one's common sense and way of thinking.
Making someone think vaguely, not properly. 
Killer, Jealousy is a killer.
Destroys each obstacle in its path, what is Its goal? 
Interesting, It may seem.
Amusing, It may look.
Humorous, It is to watch. 
But deadly to feel. 
It's like a parasite, eating you alive.
No more human feelings, It banishes guilt.
Only striving, blindly towards a negative outcome.
 Scary, it may be to how severe it can get.
Jealousy made us remiss.
Cure the anger, living in hatred for why? 
Jealousy is a killer, a venom.

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