Sunday, June 10, 2012

Academics: Concentration and Dedication!

Many of my friends stare at my grades and GPA, wondering how the HELL I do it. Well.. personally it's a very nasty secret. I .. you know, I'm very hard on myself. My parents are not very strict, and so I want to be strict on myself when it comes to education. It is not very.. ehem, 'fun' especially when I see a B, or lower. I panic and go insane. "WHAT THE ******** IS THIS. HOW THE******.. WHERE.. WHAT DID I DO?!" And I march up to my teacher, ask what the hell happened and if I'm lucky they fix it .. only if there's a mistake of course. However, many think it's like some magic. In reality, it's quite simple if you don't push yourself. All you need is concentration, and dedication. Concentration during class is important, they teach you things you learn in your future. Sometimes they don't teach you about education, the teachers might even throw in some romance stories or anything like that. Education is key to life, and many people decide to go to the wrong way. Why? Why do people give up so freaking easily? Why can't they keep striving forward and go through these obstacles? Why can't they just live life the way people perceive as 'normal'? 

Quitting. They quit. They quit from everything with just dropping out of high school, middle school, anything. And you know where they work? In a fast food joint. Yes, that's the ugly truth. One decision leads to a life changing ending. And that my fellow readers, is life. One situation after the next. 

It's very life threatening, education that is. Its your key to all your successful doors, and with just dropping out you're left with one door or.. maybe zero. But if you have the dedication and the concentration, you won't even think about these life changing experiences. All you would think about is your dream job, since you know you're doing so well in school you have the hopes enough to not give up.

My secret, is no secret. Concentration and dedication. That's all you need to remember in your career life,  you concentrate with your senses and you dedicate yourself to the work. 

Actually, I was so dedicated in grade school that I once forgot an assignment at home before school had started. Pappa was driving back at home, Mum was getting ready for work and I thought it was the best timing. I could not call anyone without a cellphone so, I decided to give my back pack to my friend to watch, and I darted off from my starting point, never looking back.
"You comin' back" said the cross road guard.
"Yes, of course." I replied, and I ran for my life. I stopped, took my shoes off and ran faster like a predator after its prey. Then, ten minutes into running I realized that no one would be home by now. I sighed, and ran back to school. Then my friends told me it was due the next day.  That's dedication. 

Don't ever give up on yourself, that's the last thing you want to do to your self-respect and your life. 
Life is a challenge, and each challenge is different for each individual. Do you really want to surrender? Or do you want to keep striving forward, for bigger achievements? 
I have gotten a few replies from peers, saying that you're going to die in the end anyways so it does not matter.

Well guess what? Honey please, it DOES matter. Here, let me break it down for you.
Reputation = Assumptions based on stories, based on how YOU act. 
Appearance = Based on how YOU live and dress.
Intelligence = Based on how YOU were devoted to school life
Basically, in reality it does matter. Because why would you want to die in sorrow, depression and sadness? Is this what you want? No? I did not think so. 
I want to die content, relieved, and happy. Not the opposite, but you do what you want to do. 

People will remember you by everything they've heard and seen.

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