Friday, June 15, 2012

Friends With Ex's?

       Finally! A good topic where I can definitely empathize, and understand completely. Alright, well you just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend and now what? Are you going to remain friends? May God help you if you even dare to say yes!

Now don't get me wrong, being friends with ex's can have some 'benefits'. It's only a good choice for those who can truly handle the constant, annoying mental prodding from your ex. When I mean 'annoying, constant mental prodding' I mean.. this. 
  •  "Heeey!! Guess what? I got a girlfriend. Finally, right?!" <- Most one to make you get a surge of jealousy.
  •  "I need some advice. I'm stuck in a love triangle here...." <- I'm not yo buddha.
  • "Dude. Remember that time we were together..." <- Most annoying one out of all, I bet. 

Like, really? Has it ever occurred to your mind or even processed in your mind that you and I are still ex's, and it is extremely awkward? No, then again lots of men these days in America are pretty dense in the head.  Key word: lots.

I'm sure this isn't all of what your ex says to you, I'm sure there's plenty of other famous statements .. favors.. or anything like that. 

The thing with being friends with your ex is that a mixture of jealousy and joy can happen. Most likely it isn't joy, and I am positive on the jealousy part! Obviously you're going to get a bit uneasy, and then whatever your ex says that you perceive as 'lovely', or making you want to blush.... oh screw it. If your ex says " I missed you", you're obviously going to crap in your pants. And then a cluster of thoughts appear in your head, ohhh what could he mean by that.. ohhh what if he likes me still, ohhh does he really mean it, ohh.. shut up and relax people! Chill your *bleep*.(For now on, I'm going to be censoring my curse words.)

It was after all your decision to become friends with your ex, honestly this is something that you folks should have been expecting from these kinds of situations. That is why people must avoid being friends with their ex's! I can understand this must be a troubling situation, its difficult being around someone you used to love. Maybe you still love. 

On the other hand where the women/men are around their ex's, and they have no feelings for them whatsoever, then why are you so anxious, worried, jealous? Face it, you must (maybe) have moved on too, so isn't it the same thing for your ex? Is it that bad for your ex to have happiness, to live freely from his/her past?  Of course not. Yet, seeing them happy.. sometimes you just wish you could be included in there too, but you are not and you are in their past. It's time to move on, with your emotions. They may be a great person, but it's okay to let go. There's a saying that goes around that in order to move on from the love of your life is to love another person and move on there. Yes, that is an amazing strength to get. It may not be the smartest, or happiest choice but honestly? ..

Admit it, I'm sure you folks are so desperate to move on! It's agitating, is it not? Totally understandable, as simple it sounds although it isn't--move on.  Next time, no more Mr/Miss Niceness! If you think being friendship with an ex is a bad idea, trust your instincts and don't even say okay! Break ups are meant to be a goodbye, be your confident individual and strut away from your now ex and don't look back because you most likely won't be seeing them for.. another few years around town!

However.. for those desperate, troubled friends out there.. If you hold feelings for that person again, then it was obviously a misclick. It was definitely a nono for you, and you shouldn't have said yes for friendship. That only makes your lust and desire burn further more, and you become weak. It's amazing what side effects love can do right? Maybe not so amazing to feel, but fascinating. My suggestions for you is to break up your so called friendship immediately. 

Protect yourself from any more harm than what has been done to you. .. Although if you truly think that you could get another shot at the relationship, do what is best for you. But all I can say is, good luck and look out for yourself!

Be strong! (Also: Check one of my good friends' blogsite called!)

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