Friday, July 13, 2012

~ Poem ~ Happiness (Warning: it's lot to read.)

One feeling I've sought, but not found.
A thing that is rare, temporary yet soothing and rejuvenating. 
Now its not certain if there's much to be happy about.
Sure, a roof over the head and a spoonful of food in the mouth,
But no smiles or laughter that has kept me going for more than a day. 
More than a hour.
Why is it such difficult to feel?
Why is it like love?
Why is it so simple, but so hard?
Looking at Life in a perspective where one would say,
"You have a house. You have education. You have food. You have clothes. You have family. You have friends."
I do have a house, I do have education, I do have food, I do have clothes, I do have family and I do have friends.
But these are things based off of luck, or someone else's hardship. Yes, grateful am I. 
Though I am not satisfied. 
Maybe I am selfish,
Maybe I am those other humans who are hungry for more.
Money, sex, riches. 
Though that is not what I seek.
I seek for company, I seek for love, I seek for happiness.
I need not riches, maybe a nice plus but not necessary. 
Love and Happiness. 
 Difficult to spare, difficult to find, difficult to feel, to touch, to satisfy.
I may not be the most happiest person in the world, but that is why.
Why have I begun a search where another cannot even find themself? For what reason?
I've begun to depend on happiness.
I've looked at Life at several perspectives. But this one. 
Where I feel lifeless, just passing through these days by walking and talking.
Walking, and flying. Aging by each second,  not a purpose in the world.
'What is there to be happy about?'
Is what first Perspective said.

The other Perspective said, "You have all the basic necessities in life, young one. Many do not."
The first Perspective replied, "Although it is something to be grateful for, it is not something I can be content with for a long time."
The third Perspective chuckled, grinned and sighed. "Happiness does not last. Happiness is of any other feeling. For it may be a treasure to feel, to have, yes. Though it will not last. Thy shall not get caught, and be blinded by Its treasures.  For it is still a feeling, it will die along with us.  Feelings will die along with us."
Perspective three may be correct, but I want to be happy for a bit. For a bit to distract my mind, distract the thought of Death, scary and petrifying Death.

Perspective four joined, and stated simply. "As one has said, Happiness is of any other feeling. However, you will find it one day. You will lose it the other, it fade away. Then you find another. A cycle, it is. The same for excitement. You will be excited, and it fades. You will find anger, it will fade. You will find happiness, it will fade. That is why, happiness is rare. 

One minute, you are. The next, you aren't. Back and fourth, yes. but you will find Happiness. Happiness will find you."

And all three Perspectives did not say anything else.

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