Friday, July 13, 2012

What You Think is Ugly May Be Beautiful to Others?

I think that my voice is annoying. To me it sounds deep, and obnoxious. 
but to others its adorable, or cute. 
That's the thing with society.
What you think that's ugly, or unattractive may be completely opposite to other people.
Especially when the traits you're degrading are about you, its kind of a nice change.
Its nice hearing that someone loves something that you're so self-conscious about.
I don't know about it, but its rather refreshing. 
People's minds are just way too different, and people don't take advantage of that.
What I mean by that is, they just think everyone has the same opinions or thoughts as they do. 
Like finding your acne or your weight problematic, or 'ugly'. 
You basically think everyone despises your weight.. When they don't, and they think differently. They think your weight is average, or normal.. 
 For my self-conscious readers, I suggest you think you're beautiful. Because many people might think that your flaws.. aren't flaws at all. :)
I need to think of some kinda.. er.. some kinda ya know.. saying.
Like ya know, Nigahiga says "TEEHEE."
Michelle Phan says "Good luck." .. er.
nah nah.. thats.. nahhh..
No you know what.
Screw that. Pft. 

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