Thursday, July 19, 2012

Welcome to India, lovelies! (History)

Hey guys! I finally found a topic to type about! Yes! 
So as an Indian, there are some moments where I'm not proud then I am proud. It can be on and off,
Especially when I was born in the US.

My parents were born in the southern part of India, so we weren't lucky enough to easily drive by New Delhi. Haha. 
Our language is much more different than it is in the Northern part.

We mostly speak Malayalam in the southern. However, Hindi is the national language no matter what.. Which sucks because I haven't even learned Hindi though I REALLLYYYYY want to, heheh.

Despite with that said, I still love India no matter what. 
Not many people realize the achievements Indians have accomplished. And it sucks bad when I search in Indians and only receive results for Native Indians. India is not acknowledged fairly enough in society these days, so that's why I made a post about this.

I know it sounds boring..buuuuut for those of you who are on summer break, or off from a long day at work, you'd be surprised. 

India is one of the most oldest yet richest civilizations in the world. We got 1-9 by Indians,  not the Arabians.
Not only did they give us numbers, but we learned the relaxation method of yoga and meditation from them. Chess is also based off from Chaturanga.

"We are classy and refined when we try,  and we have our own way of being unqiue. Our foods were brought down to America, and people devour it happily. Our dresses were made of silk and satin, our jewelry made of pure gold. Our language sensual and beautiful, India is beautiful."
(the Taj Mahal. Picture is from
Even in Bollywood movies, the couple don't kiss.. at least before they did. I didn't think they would kiss at all until I saw a movie I completely forgot the name of. They don't show sex, and the romance is pure. 

Many people don't think of, Oh! India! I want to go there now! as their number one must-see. Most likely because they don't think of how much India has shaped our country as well.

"Mixed culture since 1890, the people are very compassionate, they're very generous and hard-working people." -- Words from my father, who lived in India since he was 27.

As well as the people, about almost everyone in India admire what Mahatma Gandhi did. Even universities are in his name. People like him have also impacted India, especially with the violence and Gandhi didn't want the violence.

They really are generous, and they truly do care. So many people go for our medicines and beauty tips because it isn't like it is in America, where almost everything is made from chemicals. 

We may not have the most cutest things like they do in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan etc. But that doesn't show how India is one of the most beautiful countries. Each country does, however, have its flaws and negative parts but overall India is a place to visit.  People only stop by to catch at least a glimpse of the Taj Mahal. 

But don't just visit for the Taj Mahal, visit every spec of India.

India is famous for its foods and the Taj Mahal, but people don't focus on the people, the essence of India and the beauty of it. 

It's pretty saddening to hear that most people would rather go to England, or Switzerland, or California as their number one must-see places. India isn't that famous anymore!

Hahaha, no I'm not advertising. I'm just extremely proud of country, so join my pride! Go India!

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